Friday, February 26, 2016
What Will It Take To Wake America Up? Carrie Geren Scoggins NOTES ON VIDEO BELOW
The bringing in of homosexuality into our daily lives, yet there has never been found a gay gene, nor clump of genes creating a homosexual, nor any epi-genetic markers cutting on a gay gene, as stated by the American Medical Association in the DOMA hearings.
Democrats again want religious and political censorship, "amending the 1st Amendment." Remember this when you vote. It's time for Christians to get politically active.
Christian students protected by "Biblical core values ruling," and 1964 Civil Rights Act, protected class under religion, and 1st Amendment rights, while on government land.
Act, protected class under religion, Biblical core values ruling, & the 1st Amendment protects Christian students, Christian employees on the job, Christian schools and Universities, Christian own businesses, & churches.
The 24th Amendment, based on the Poll Tax
law, forbids taxing anyone, or any group, for
practicing what is a civil right, such as that of supporting a candidate that best represents them. This is a civil right inside a Republic.
The IRS admitted to plotting to violate Christian civil rights, in bed with their political opposition, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, violating the Christians protected class status, 1964 Civil Rights Act, and abuse of a public office precedents.
Support Christian civil rights, even if you are not Christian. "You are not a Libertarian until you support the legal rights of those that you despise."
The Christian haters will work as informants against the Christians, trying to get them arrested, in these end times. The gay activists are already doing so, attempting to enforce the now overturned hate speech law, though it is illegal religious discrimination and abuse of a public office. Be ready to video the informants, and file suit against the state. The daughters of the great whore want you the Christian arrested, so they can fully bring in their New World Order antichrist beast system.
Federal law enforcement agencies squandered almost 100 billion, by each separate agency, in needless surveillance, and admitted to watching political and religious groups, which violates abuse of a public office laws. This money making scheme made of surveillance has opened the door to political and religious harassment, civil rights violations, abuse of a public office, and created a Nazi style police state, akin to the stasis of Nazi Germany, where 1/3 of their citizens were informants.
When each federal agency wastes almost 100 billion dollars each in surveillance, one can note, since only half this amount would have been enough to have policed the whole globe, that they are not just watching criminals. This ensures political and religious civil rights are being violated.
Will Americans sit by watching others have their civil rights violated, keeping quite in order to continue getting a needless informant check. Is money more important than Biblical morals? Will Americans act like the German informants who took the money, instead of standing up for what is right?
The Christian hater gay informants, and gay law enforcement, are already trying to get something on the Christians, violating Biblical core values ruling & 1964 Civil Rights Act, coupled with the 1st Amendment rights of Christians, when speaking against the gay lifestyle is not illegal, the hate speech law was overturned! This is the beast system, already acting like the Nazi's.
Christian hater gay informants, & gay law enforcement, are already trying to get something on the Christians, violating Biblical core values ruling, 1964 Civil Rights Act, & 1st Amendment rights of Christians, yet speaking against the gay lifestyle is not illegal, the hate speech law was overturned! This is the beast system, as they are already acting like the Nazi's.
When the Federal Supreme Court overturned the "hate speech" law, they upheld our "legal right to debate the issues," giving the gay activists no legal grounds to believe that the U.S. can censor those opposing their views!
Church members, and ministers, alike, need to be ready to audio and video record, all those around them, preparing for court.
Transvestites & homosexuals were not just out in the open, in Nazi Germany, they were informants for the all gay brown-shirts regiment, hunting down Christians and Jews due to their religious tenets on homosexuality. This is seen again in this end times beast governmental system.
THERE IS NO FREEDOM FROM RELIGION, the Federal Supreme Court upheld our "legal right to proselytize," that from the full uncensored Bible, including scriptures on homosexuality such as Romans chap 1.
The Federal Supreme Court upheld our legal right to proselytize the gospel, while on government land.
#carriegerenscoggins #carriescoggins #geren #endtimes #endtimesprophecynewsupdate #Christians #lastdays #Jesus #religion #popefrancis #catholic #Baptist #churches #joycemeyers #perrystone #tbn #CBN #the700club #tdjakes #jessieduplantis #rodparsley #johnhagee #marilynhickey #josephprince
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Cleveland, TN minister & county commissioner sues state over gay marriag...
Cleveland, TN attorney, minister, and county commissioner sue the state over clarification of gay marriage law, Tennessee Times News.
Attorney inquires from the state on the Federal Supreme Court decision, and how it applies to state marriage licenses. Can the court, after declaring a law unconstitutional, then turn and enact a new state law, to replace the one that the court has said was invalid. Courts can not pass statues, only legislative bodies can pass statues, the Supreme Court seems to have passed a statue for the states."
GA bill goes before GA Senate,
ATLANTA (AP) – A bill headed toward a vote in the Georgia Senate would allow faith-based organizations to refuse services to same-sex couples without government penalties, including loss of taxpayer funding.
The powerful Senate Rules committee Tuesday added that language to a bill unanimously approved by the House last week allowing religious officials to decline performing same-sex marriage ceremonies. The move combines two of the eight bills introduced this year seeking legal exemptions for opponents of same-sex marriage after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling effectively legalized the unions.
The bill protecting pastors received little opposition on its way to a House vote. But gay-rights advocates have harshly criticized the broader Senate bill, known as the “First Amendment Defense Act,” that shields adoption agencies, schools and other organizations from penalties for opposing same-sex marriage.
-Pastors across the nation need to be reminded of the "Biblical core values" Federal Supreme Court ruling, citing their legal right to "adhere to Biblical core values," such as Romans chapter 1.
The wall of separation of church and state keeping the state out of the church, preventing Bible censorship, or state approved sermons.
The hate speech law now overturned in the Federal Supreme Court, in the "Phelps" hearing, cited our "legal right to debate the issues," citing homosexuality and Islam, as well as any issue from a Biblical viewpoint.
The Biblical core values ruling allows the church to refusal to perform gay weddings, the "legal right to debate the issues," upheld when the hate speech law was overturned prevents sermon, or Bible, censorship, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act giving religion "protected class status under the law," prevents the state from going after churches due to doctrine, or discriminating against Christians due to religious tenets.
The Biblical core values ruling, and hate speech law overturned upholding our "legal right to debate the issues," protect Christian's 1st Amendment rights!
#Cleveland #Tennessee #TN #Christian #PopeFrancis #Catholic #religion #law #FederalSupremeCourt #JesusChrist #TennesseeTimesNews #Carriegerenscoggins #geren #carriescoggins #endtimesprophecynewsupdate #news
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Christianity Is Not Compatible With Evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins
"Christianity not compatible with evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins,"
Do not pollute the gospel with non-Christian beliefs.
Blending antichrist-ian beliefs with Biblical doctrines is akin to having a glass of clean water, then adding mud. Do not muddy the water!
Evolution was used by the Nazi party as an introductory to spiritual evolution, a new age tenet teaching some humans have evolved higher than others, having gone through more life cycles of death, reincarnation, evolving upward each time, than others, and that racial minorities were lesser evolved. This is a racist tenet of spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, and in Theosophy.
Darwin's writings were littered with racist statements, and his view that minorities were lesser evolved humans than the Caucasians. This false teaching also found in Hinduism's spiritual evolution.
Liberal revisionist historians negate to mention Darwin's racism, or that his cousin Sir Francis Galton started the European eugenics movement. Galton's eugenics program would wipe out the minorities from their gene pool, fueling racial cleansing of the Nazi Party.
Planned Parenthood, started by KKK supporter Margaret Sanger, was the U.S. eugenics programs, targeting minorities for abortion candidates.
Another reason evolution is not compatible with Christianity.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Debunking evolution is not a difficult task, yet the real issue here is that we can not bring in non-Biblical teachings into the church, 'muddying the water.'
Intelligent design, God created man. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Societies based on the belief in evolution, from Hinduism with it's class system, to pre-Nazi Germany's new age movement and Theosophy, evolution has caused destruction. "Social Darwinism," was a term used to make it appear Scientific Darwinism was not the real basis of the Nazi's "Scientism," or eugenics, belief system.
Samuel George Morton, Darwinian Scientist and Nazi funded physician, used measuring skulls of minorities in attempts to prove that they were still in a sub-human lesser evolved state, and used this same technique attempting to make females appear inferior to males.
Darwinism, and evolution, used by Nazi's Morton, and Sir Francis Galton, to attempt to justify racist eugenics programs.
The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away," of exodus from the churches. The rise of the gay movement of pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]
The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away."
An exodus from the churches also gave way to the rise of the gay movement of
pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into
other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]
Rev. 22:18-19, do not add unto nor take away from the scriptures, do not mix other beliefs in with the Bible, nor remove any teaching of scripture. In Germany had not replaced the creation story from Genesis, not left Christianity for the new age and neo-pagan movement, the Nazi Party could not have taken control! #popefrancis #pope #Christian #evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #religion #Blacklivesmatter #tcot #teaparty #anonymous #anon #expectus #Bible #Jesus
Christianity Is Not Compatible With Evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins
"Christianity not compatible with evolution, Carrie Geren Scoggins,"
Do not pollute the gospel with non-Christian beliefs.
Blending antichrist-ian beliefs with Biblical doctrines is akin to having a glass of clean water, then adding mud. Do not muddy the water!
Evolution was used by the Nazi party as an introductory to spiritual evolution, a new age tenet teaching some humans have evolved higher than others, having gone through more life cycles of death, reincarnation, evolving upward each time, than others, and that racial minorities were lesser evolved. This is a racist tenet of spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, and in Theosophy.
Darwin's writings were littered with racist statements, and his view that minorities were lesser evolved humans than the Caucasians. This false teaching also found in Hinduism's spiritual evolution.
Liberal revisionist historians negate to mention Darwin's racism, or that his cousin Sir Francis Galton started the European eugenics movement. Galton's eugenics program would wipe out the minorities from their gene pool, fueling racial cleansing of the Nazi Party.
Planned Parenthood, started by KKK supporter Margaret Sanger, was the U.S. eugenics programs, targeting minorities for abortion candidates.
Another reason evolution is not compatible with Christianity.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Debunking evolution is not a difficult task, yet the real issue here is that we can not bring in non-Biblical teachings into the church, 'muddying the water.'
Intelligent design, God created man. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Societies based on the belief in evolution, from Hinduism with it's class system, to pre-Nazi Germany's new age movement and Theosophy, evolution has caused destruction. "Social Darwinism," was a term used to make it appear Scientific Darwinism was not the real basis of the Nazi's "Scientism," or eugenics, belief system.
Samuel George Morton, Darwinian Scientist and Nazi funded physician, used measuring skulls of minorities in attempts to prove that they were still in a sub-human lesser evolved state, and used this same technique attempting to make females appear inferior to males.
Darwinism, and evolution, used by Nazi's Morton, and Sir Francis Galton, to attempt to justify racist eugenics programs.
The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away," of exodus from the churches. The rise of the gay movement of pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]
The German people would not have accepted the false belief system of Darwinism, and evolution, the new age Theosophy with spiritual evolution derived from Hinduism, had there not been a "great falling away."
An exodus from the churches also gave way to the rise of the gay movement of
pre-Nazi Germany was also a direct result of having left the Bible, & going into
other religions, the reason Romans states is why one is given over to a reprobate mind [Romans 1:21, 1:24, 1:28]
Rev. 22:18-19, do not add unto nor take away from the scriptures, do not mix other beliefs in with the Bible, nor remove any teaching of scripture. In Germany had not replaced the creation story from Genesis, not left Christianity for the new age and neo-pagan movement, the Nazi Party could not have taken control! #popefrancis #pope #Christian #evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #religion #Blacklivesmatter #tcot #teaparty #anonymous #anon #expectus #Bible #Jesus
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
IRS TO VIOLATE CHURCH'S RIGHTS, POLL TAX, BIBLICAL CORE VALUES, SEP OF CHURCH AND STATE, Carrie Geren Scoggins <- #IRS, IRS stated intentions to send informants into churches, and to conspiring with Christian- haters against the church, violating federal Christian civil rights laws.
Targeting religious schools that teach doctrine opposing the state's views, such as Romans chapter 1, and scriptures teaching homosexuality as sin, violates Biblical core values ruling, as well as the Poll Tax law, and 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The 20th Amendment & the Poll Ta...x law violated, it's unconstitutional to tax any group for practicing a civil right, in this case, the Christians fundamental right of supporting the candidate that best supports them.
No ethnic, political, nor religious group, can be taxed to practice the civil right of supporting candidates that best represent their group, or beliefs. To do so is to deny Constitutional rights to said group, which is discrimination.
The IRS targeting religious groups violates the separation of church and state, keeping the state out of the church. The IRS, a state entity, has admitted to conspiring with antichrist-ian groups such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation [FFRF], and atheists, to bring in taxation, removing tax exempt status, if the church preaches doctrine that they state dislikes, if religious schools teach religious doctrine that the state opposes such as Romans chapter 1, and if the churches support a political candidate that best represent them to begin taxation. All of these actions violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act giving religion protected class status, Biblical core values Federal Supreme Court ruling, separation of church and state, 20th Amendment, and the Poll Tax law.
The state can not tax, the protected class under religion group, for backing and supporting the candidate that best represents them, Poll Tax law, nor can they violate Biblical core values ruling attempting to tax religious schools, groups, or churches, of whom adheres to Biblical doctrines that oppose the state's views, such as Romans chapter 1.
#carriegerenscoggins #carriescoggins #endtimes #IRS #teaparty #tcot
The state can not tax, the protected class under religion group, for backing and supporting the candidate that best represents them, Poll Tax law, nor can they violate Biblical core values ruling attempting to tax religious schools, groups, or churches, of whom adheres to Biblical doctrines that oppose the state's views, such as Romans chapter 1.
#carriegerenscoggins #carriescoggins #endtimes #IRS #teaparty #tcot
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Hillary, & The Democrats, Support Of Gay Marriage Is Fringe Viewpoints, Carrie Geren Scoggins <- link to Carrie Geren Scoggins' Feb 2, 2016, webcast, Christian cake bakery fined for refusing to make gay wedding cakes violated federal Christian rights laws, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5 , and
"THE LEGAL RIGHT TO ADHERE TO BIBLICAL CORE VALUES" Fed Sup Court ruling. End Times Prophecy News Update, Carrie Geren Scoggins
#carriegerenscoggins #carriescoggins
Available to speak upon request.
Carrie Geren Scoggins YouTube Channel Playlists:
Videos Of Christian Bible Children's Videos, Cartoons / Claymation / Puppet videos, Christian guitar, Christian Band, Christian Music, Latin and Spanish Guitar, Christian Band Rejoice, Playlists of Bible Prophecy, End Time Events, Natural Disasters Book Of Revelations, Water Turned To Blood Rev 16:4, Political, Bible Videos, Favorites, Playlists With Clean Movies, Documentaries, How To Videos.prophecy
Monday, February 1, 2016
TV, MOVIES, AND TEENS, "As A Man Thinketh, So Is He" -Proverbs 23:7, Carrie Geren Scoggins <-LINK TO CARRIE GEREN SCOGGINS WEBCAST, FEB 1, 2016
TV, MOVIES, AND TEENS, "As A Man Thinketh, So Is He" -Proverbs 23:7, Carrie Geren Scoggins
Available to speak upon request.
YouTube Playlists And Videos, Carrie Geren Scoggins channel:
Carrie Geren Scoggins YouTube Channel Playlists: Of Christian Bible Children's Videos, Cartoons / Claymation / Puppet videos, Christian guitar, Christian Band, Christian Music, Latin and Spanish Guitar, Christian Band Rejoice, Playlists of Bible Prophecy, End Time Events, Natural Disasters Book Of Revelations, Water Turned To Blood Rev 16:4, Political, Bible Videos, Favorites, Playlists With Clean Movies, Documentaries, How To Videos.prophecy #carriegerenscoggins #carriescoggins #endtimes #endtime #lastdays #endtimesprophecynewsupdate #geren
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